Corporate Social Responsibility

RSE DB Cargo France

Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR drives our business management and is an integral part of our decision-making

 CSR at DB Cargo France

At DB Cargo France, CSR drives our business management and is an integral part of our decision-making. As rail is the most environmentally friendly mode of transport, it is our responsibility to cultivate this position by enriching it with new initiatives, so as to extend it to social and societal concerns. 

The voluntary integration of CSR issues into the entire scope of our company is reflected in several of our approaches.

Our employees and our sector are committed to environmental issues. 

Our employees: Our collaborative approach allows us to improve our operations and to include our employees in our CSR approach.  

We regularly communicate on the responsible measures put in place by the company to ensure that as many people as possible adopt responsible actions.  

Some examples of initiatives: 

  • Installation of an evacuation system with a filter for our fuel tanks 
  • Provision of water fountains and supply of insulated water bottles to limit the use of plastic bottles
  • Installation of absorbent fuel mats on all fueling sites outside the facilities  

Our sector: Our membership of the French Freight Alliance of the Future (4F), which brings together all the players in the sector, enables us to act collectively for sustainable economic development that respects the climate. Our common ambition to double the proportion of goods transported by rail by 2030 is guided by our desire to promote mobility by reducing the impact of transport. To continue in this direction, DB Cargo France is working to promote modal shift through events such as the Transport and Logistics Innovation Week (SITL), in order to raise awareness of emission-reducing logistics solutions among professionals. 

Some examples of initiatives: 

  • Organisation of test trains with 100% renewable fuel (HVO)
  • Awareness-raising on eco-driving for drivers
  • Analysis of the ecological gain for train journeys  

We promote "living together" and pay particular attention to ensuring that each employee is aware of the importance of his or her role within the company.

We are aware that the success of our company is the result of a collective dynamic and we strive to develop universal accessibility by ensuring equality and diversity for our future and current employees. Our decisions and actions are governed by the guarantee of their health and safety. This includes reconciling professional and personal life, promoting internal development and career paths without discrimination. Our commitments are based on our desire to make every job a source of personal fulfilment.

Some examples of initiatives: 

  • Gender equality index with 94/100
  • Encouraging the employment of young people by taking on work-study students

We take to heart our contribution to local development and our interaction with communities

We wish to promote the trades, practices and know-how of our sector within the various territories, and intend to be a real skills developer, by promoting local employment. Our training organisation recruits and trains for our professions throughout France and thus maintains our local presence along our international freight corridors

 Some examples of initiatives: 

  • Accessibility of terminals to shippers throughout the country
  • Employment of a local and adapted company for our communication efforts/actions
  • Going paperless by digitising all our production procedures