
Maintenance 1


We are preventive and curative on all the equipment

  • 24 hours our internal hotline DB Cargo France

  • 7 days our on-call maintenance

 Maintenance at the heart of our efficiency

To guarantee the reliability of our rolling stock, our maintenance teams are highly responsive: they intervene throughout the country in our dedicated maintenance centers.Since 2010, a team of maintenance technicians is dedicated to DB Cargo France rolling stock, a real specificity and innovation of DB Cargo France. Assigned to the maintenance and repair of the locomotives and wagons of our fleet, they are spread over our sites covering the whole national territory. They are also in charge of repairing and performing preventive technical visits. 

A mobile team

Reactivity, mobility and prevention are their watchwords.This division allows us to ensure the reliability of our rolling stock, so that we are always able to satisfy our customers.Another specificity of DB Cargo France is that we have our own maintenance, repair, profiling and cleaning workshop in Alizay near Rouen, France, and have access to the workshops of the DB Cargo Group in Saarbrücken, Germany, and Toton, UK.Finally, we have our own lifting trucks, which allows us to be more reactive and quicker in our interventions.

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